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You just bought an agency in New York, why did you decide to set-up something over here ?
Well, actually, we didn’t buy but created an agency from scratch in New York. It’s not a standard communication agency, but a digital marketing bureau. I observed that we were very late in France concerning the Internet and new technologies ; then we finally repaired our delay and, today, France is in reasonably good position. But I saw that the next big thing was mobile marketing. I’ve always dreamt of exporting myself to the US. I used to dream about New York when I was a kid. I was quite conscious that, for an independent
advertising man, to set-up an agency in New York was pure madness ! To land in the US, the advertising Mecca, had no practical interest, my aim was to bring in something new. I observed that Americans were a bit late as far as mobile applications were concerned.
I asked local consultants to join and help me to conceive new solutions.
For example, we sold the M Passport to an insurance company. M Passport means both Medical and Mobile. If you are a client of this company, you qualify for a service which forwards your medical file to the hospital where you are treated in case of emergency. The system also forwards an SMS to your relatives to let them know what’s going on. New links are created through cellular phones.

Do you think the US and France regard communication and advertising differently ?
Americans do have something we are lacking : courage.
French people are probably more creative, but Americans are proactive and not afraid of taking risks. Today, if you own a trademark, you have to find quickly all available means of marketing it ; in the past, there was only television, radio, and press. Today, with the Internet, Americans react faster. I think we could equal their performance if we were confident enough in our ideas. We have a lot to learn from Americans regarding their business mentality. The American businessman does not focus on people, but on opportunities. He jumps on ideas, even when provided by their worst enemies, unlike French ones.
I learned quite a lot in New York : Being punctual, never “over sell” or “under sell”, being precise, to stick to positive energy… unlike French incumbent mediocrity.

Do you think that the present crisis is the best moment to express such avant-gardist positions ?
I won’t repeat the classical stuff, but the crisis could be a fantastic opportunity, even more in the United States than anywhere else. For us who are independent there is no longer any language barrier. Great ideas are universal, even in period of crisis. Our problem is the axiom that everything that works is inevitably French. France has been world famous in the past, unfortunately it is no longer true today, music excepted where the
French touch is back. That’s why it is absolutely necessary to face this crisis, and communication is a good way to achieve it.
My opinion is that, unlike the US where shops are empty, France is not yet really affected by the economical crisis, which makes this endeavor so thrilling.

You worked with Nicolas Sarkozy. What did you think about Obama’s political communication ?
I came to the conclusion that their communication strategies were quite close. I imagined the motto Everything’s becoming possible, a concept very similar to the famous Yes we can.
As with Sarkozy, Obama comes from diversity and portrays renewal and change.
Both of them face hard work, and a real opportunity for them to reform their respective societies.

What are your favorite spots in New York ?
I really fell in love with New York City. I am very fond of Times Square, Pigalle’s copycat, euphoric and extraordinary, with its giant billboards. I also like Soho, Thomson street, West Broadway, Central Park. I really like running and I take part in the New York Marathon.
I like the Statue of Liberty, where I brought my daughter recently.
For me, New York is the universal refuge, where anybody feels at home.
You can do whatever you want at any time there, eat when you want ; I ADMIRE THE ENERGY OF THAT CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS, as Frank Sinatra used to say.


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