Capture du 2015-05-05 13:54:42

Which American writers have influenced your work ?
Fitzgerald, Bukowski, Ellis, Salinger… Should I continue ? Capote, McInerney, Fante, Whitman… The simple evocation of these names moves me deeply, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. They made me love literature.

You wrote an entire book dedicated to the 9/11, “Windows on The World”. Jay Mc Inerney did it too, through the story of a couple in crisis, in “The Good Life”. Why did you decide to write about it ?
My grandma’s name was Grace Carthew-Yorstoun. She was a New Yorker, blonde-haired with blue eyes. My grandpa Beigbeder married her in Paris 16th district’s Town Hall in 1931. She was the descendant of one of America’s founding fathers : John Adams, second President of the United States (and from his son John Quincey Adams, their 6th president). So I am descending from The Adam’s Family ! I guess that’s the reason why I wrote that Horror film ! I was the first novelist in the world who wrote about 09/11. At that time (2003), I was condemned for it. I remember a paper in Le Figaro that accused me of “corpse misappropriation” Since then, numerous talented authors followed my path with success. An artist shouldn’t be afraid to “dive into the heart of hell” as Marilyn Manson says (and who could be a member of the Adam’s family too !)

In The French documentary called “l’Attrape Salinger”, you are walking in New York, in the same places of Holden Caulfielad. What kind of influence did Salinger have on your writing ?
Salinger came to Normandy on June 6th, 1944. He took part in the Ritz Hotel’ liberation in Paris with Hemingway. His link with France is essential. He published few novels, but all of his books have a mysterious warmth, a fragile emotion, hatred of adulthood. Should I have to summarize in a few words Salinger’s influence on my writing, I would simply state that I owe him everything.

Most of your favorite artists are American, even in cinema or music, as you said in “Windows of The World “?
Yes, I’m totally colonized by American culture. That does not deter me from admiring a lot of other country’s writers (Russians, British, Germans, and Italians). But if you make a list, you will easily conclude that most artists visible on my apartment’s shelves are Americans. It’s obvious in the rock and film industry, but also in literature : we are a lower species since half a century.

Your favourite spots, In New York ?
Ground zero, of course. There are strip-clubs around and it’s very weird to look at a girl stripping close to that massive crematorium by the sea shore. I also love the Rainbow Room, Cipriani uptown, The Hotel Pierre and PJ Clarke’s. And Tiffany’s ! And Central Park’s ducks. I’m very old school in New York. I’m no longer looking for the trendiest places there ; I prefer spots with old pretentious ladies and bankrupt bankers smoking voluptuously their last cigar. I have the feeling that I’m going to come across my grandma’s ghost around the corner.

You wrote a lot about nightlife and partying. Is the party crazier in New York ?
In the 80’s, it was incredible. There was the Danceteria, the Area, the Limelight (a club in a church), Nell’s, The Tunnel, The Pyramid… By comparison, Paris was quiet. Today, I would say that both cities are asleep, or convalescent. We have more fun in Moscow or Shangai nowadays. Fortunately enough, my friend André created Le Baron in Paris and The Beatrice in New York, so we can still sleep late, nonetheless.

You are known in New York as the typical French writer. What do you think about it ?
I don’t know whether what you say is true or not, but I am very flattered, thanks. However, “French writer” is not necessarily a compliment in New York. It can also mean an intellectual writer, pretentious, boring, complicated : a so called literate asshole…

In your book Windows on the World, You have a great vision of French Americanism ; What is the explanation, in your opinion ?
French anti-Americanism is a mix of contempt toward a younger country, and jealousy to a richer one. But today things are changing : Both countries are in shambles, a couple of broke blokes united by scarcity.

Which qualities do American Women have that French women don’t ?
American women have BIGGER BOOBS and PRACTICE TOTAL DEPILATION. Apart from these details, they are as unbearable as French ones.



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